À cette occasion, la Fondation Francès prête deux œuvres, dont Le sommeil de Sergey Kononov, acquise en 2020.
Commissariat : Keren Detton (Frac Grand Large) et Michel Poitevin (ADIAF).

The Association for the International Diffusion of French Art (ADIAF) presents its seventh triennial exhibition “De leur Temps” ("Of their time") at Frac Grand Large – Hauts-de-France. With more than a hundred and twenty works from around sixty private collections, the exhibition offers an overview of the latest acquisitions by French collectors, testifying to their passion for art “of their time”.
On this occasion, Francès Fondation lends two artworks, including Sergey Kononov's "Le sommeil" ("Sleep"), acquired in 2020.
Curators: Keren Detton (Frac Grand Large) et Michel Poitevin (ADIAF)