Du 23 janvier au 22 février
Recevoir le catalogue complet des oeuvres
Rafiy Okefolahan travaille ses toiles au sol avec les matériaux des féticheurs vaudou (marc de café, pigments, sable, etc) pour se faire le miroir de la société béninoise et de ses contradictions.
Louis Oke-Agbo, photographe ayant beaucoup travaillé autour du handicap mental et fondateur du centre d'Art Thérapie de Porto Novo, fait ressurgir le lien sacré entre l'homme et son environnement.
Syl Pâris Kouton présente lui un travail silencieux et intime, qu'il vit comme une porte d'entrée vers sa spiritualité.
Du 23 janvier au 22 février 2020, du mardi au samedi de 14h à 19h.
Text in English
As part of the Africa France Year and in partnership with the Cergy-Pontoise Agglomeration Community and the Gincko'Art Cultural Centre in Pontoise, we are dedicating our first exhibition to three artists from Porto Novo (Benin):
Louis Oke Agbo (photograph)
Rafiy Okefolahan (painting)
Syl Pâris Kouton (painting)
With Haiti, Benin is the great country of voodoo, which permeates and rhythms all the strata of society. The works of the three artists we present, from Porto Novo, are deeply imbued with it, although in a different way...
Rafiy Okefolahan works his canvases on the ground with the materials of voodoo fetish (coffee grounds, pigments, sand, etc.) to mirror Benin society and its contradictions.
Louis Oke-Agbo, a photographer who has worked extensively on mental disability and founder of the Porto Novo Art Therapy Centre, brings out the sacred link between man and his environment.
Syl Pâris Kouton presents to him a silent and intimate work, which he lives as a gateway to his spirituality.
From January 23 to February 22, 2020, from Tuesday to Saturday from 2pm to 7pm.
> Demander le catalogue de l'exposition