Alors, que peindre aujourd’hui? Ces peintres qui se connaissent - et, plus encore, se reconnaissent - ont fait le choix de la figuration, où la «Mimesis», bien plus qu’une simple représentation du monde, laisse ouverts tous les champs d’exploration et d’affirmation de soi; figuration narrative et symbolique pour Nazanin Pouyandeh; peinture hétéroclite et mystique chez Axel Pahlavi; expressivité puissante et libre pour Raphaële Ricol; geste engagé revisitant la peinture d’Histoire chez Stéphane Pencreac’h; réalisme transcendé pour Florence Obrecht; mémoire et intériorité chez GuillaumeToumanian.
Ces six peintres montrent combien la peinture, cent fois enterrée au gré de l’émergence de nouvelles formes d’art, est une source intarissable de renouvellement.
*Immortelle, du 11 mars au 4 juin 2023
MO.CO - Montpellier Contemporain
Commissaires d’exposition: Amélie Adamo et Numa Hambursin
Nous remercions les galeries Valérie Delaunay, Patricia Dorfmann, Isabelle Gounod et Vincent Sator pour leur collaboration.
Based on an idea by Guillaume Toumanian, an artist represented by the gallery since 2020, the exhibition brings together 6 painters of the same generation - 3 women and 3 men - all invited to the exhibition Immortelle, presented at MO.CO in spring 2023*.
The "essential gesture of painting" has always been a matter for them, especially during their art studies in the years 1990-2000 - when painting had not yet returned to the forefront.
So what to paint today? These painters who know each other - and, even more so, recognise each other - have chosen figuration, where « Mimesis" leaves open all the fields of exploration and self-affirmation; narrative and symbolic figuration for Nazanin Pouyandeh; heterogeneous and mystical painting for Axel Pahlavi; powerful and free expressiveness for Raphaëlle Ricol; committed gesture revisiting historical painting for Stéphane Pencreac'h; transcended realism for Florence Obrecht; memory and interiority for Guillaume Toumanian.
These six painters show how painting, buried a hundred times over as new art forms emerge, is an inexhaustible source of renewal.
*Immortelle, from 11th March to 4th June 2023
MO.CO Montpellier Contemporary
Exhibition bringing together 80 emblematic artists of the French scene, born from 1970 to the early 1980s, who affirm a taste for figurative painting.
Curators of the exhibition: Amélie Adamo and Numa Hambursin
We thank the galleries Valérie Delaunay, Patricia Dorfmann, Isabelle Gounod and Vincent Sator for their collaboration.